2017-2018 edition – what happened?

Welcoming Ceremony

October 2017 Such things only happen at the University of Wroclaw with the school of rhythm cooperation … we created spontaneously a little drums orchestra with volunteers from the audience… It was great energy for the opening new academic year

Global Studies Graudation Ceremony

Christmas Performance

December 2017. Our drums and more Orchestra team have prepared Christmas Performance – a special gift for all international students and invited guests: parable of the different languages of love. It was wonderful and full of surprises event…

Let There Be Peace On Earth

We represent different cultural backgrounds and religions but our diversity is not a reason to fear each other, but rather, an opportunity to learn from each other. Fear always ends up in anger, fights, conflicts or even war. We truly believe that love always brings the light of hope, and frees us from the darkness of fear. It also opens us up to people, especially those from different backgrounds and gives us the willingness to learn from them. The Christmas lights are not only the colorful lights that we encounter on the streets of the city center, but they are also the lights of hope and love that we can find in our hearts. We hope that we will always find lights in the middle of ours personal darkness. In the darkness of sickness, grief, family troubles or interpersonal conflicts. We hope that we will always meet people who will be willing to help us find ways to maintain hope in times of darkness …

Maria Paz from Ecuador performs polish carol !

Sai Krishna Deep form India on the piano

Visiting Radio Wroclaw

a few members of our team visited Radio Wroclaw. Our drums and more orchestra will perform acoustically on the radio in April and play live in Radio Culture’s studio. We will also have a chance to talk about our project on the air.

Welcoming Erasmus Students

In February, our International Drums and More Orchestra prepared an interactive performance during the welcoming ceremony for Erasmus students who had just arrived to our University. We performed in Oratorium Marianum Hall at the University of Wroclaw.

Educational Event

Flamenco Festival Performance

In March, our University of Wroclaw International Drums and More Orchestra performed during the Flamenco Festival in club Mleczarnia located in Wroclaw.

Bach to Africa Concert

Looking at spring metaphorically, we can say that the first day of human evolution happened in Africa. We all have common roots. Culture, music, history of mankind , was born in Africa.  Spring has a double meaning. The first is the season of the year when everything comes to life, the second is the source of the stream. Bringing back the old tradition, Like in ancient Africa when people wanted to celebrate the first day of the spring, they used to make music together.

We started our performance honoring great composer J.S. Bach and finished with the flamenco dance. This dance is much like our orchestra in the sense that it was created at the crossroads of different cultures.

Live Performance at Radio Kultura

In April, our University of Wroclaw International Drums and More Orchestra had a live performance at Wrocław Radio Kultura. Our project, that utilize music to express the beauty of human family, had an opportunity to broadcast and spread our message to polish listeners.

Workshop with CEO/Member of Supervisory Boards

In April, the members of our International Drums and More Orchestra project had the opportunity to meet with Zofia Dzik. A highly talented and experienced person who was a CEO’s and is currently a member of the supervisory boards of many international companies. We talked about the rhythms in which we can build our happiness and meaningful lives, as women, men, wives, husbands, employees, and members of any community. The conclusion was that this common rhythm is Humility.

Tribute to Solidarity

In May,  our International drums and more Orchestra had privilege to perform during the exhibition at the Centrum Historii Zajezdnia in Wroclaw. The exhibition commemorates Poland’s Solidarity movement. Much like the Solidrity, our orchestra project also signifies the solidarity between people, regardless of their background, and works towards that inclusiveness which respects other for their differences.

Ethnic evening for International Universities

Also in May, it was our great pleasure and honor to welcome guests from over 20 European universities and to prepare a cultural evening with ethnic music at the beautiful Botanical Garden.

Educational events

We were in two of the biggest primary schools in Wroclaw. Children learnt with us rhythms, melodies, languages, and stories from India, Turkey, Persia, Azerbaijan, and Ecuador. Our drums and more project offers immense possibilities for encounter and solidarity. We work towards that inclusiveness which respects others for their differences.Drums and more orchestra project the parable of Different Languages of Love.

Trip to mountains

In June, we went on a trip to the Wataszka Hostel– the most beautiful place for a rehearsal before any concert. This is what our preparations looked like for the performance at Wrocław’s Market Square. We were invited to perform during one of the most famous festivals in Wrocław.

Concert at the Market Square

It was a beautiful day for our Drums and More Orchestra project and we were honored to open the„Europa na widelcu” Festival. Our performance started off with the famous Polish song Mury (Walls). Through this song, we expressed our hope for the walls that exist between people to be broken. Proving once again, that our music knows no boundaries.

After the concert, we had great joy and honor to celebrate and ate dinner with the Rector of our University prof. Adam Jezierski.

Our project in Polish TV

We are pleased to announce that representatives of our orchestra have performed on Polish television (TVP Polonia), a channel that is broadcasted all over the world. A short report about our intercultural project is now available for you to see.

Farewell Day

As a close up for a great season, we visited a primary school in the small village of Szklary, where our university students have the opportunity to teach English during the academic year. Together, with the beautiful International Office staff, we visited one of the biggest Cistercian monasteries in Europe and celebrated afterwards over dinner.